Satisfaction Survey
The method of evaluation of the field established under this scheme and the performance of the task force aims at fully understand the feedback of the stakeholders, and the self-improvement mechanism of the scheme. In field operation, local consultation, survey with quantified indicators, qualitative interview, and focused group panel discussion will be unfolded stepwise. We will seek the need of the local community, and survey on the level of satisfaction and potential need through the questionnaire survey mechanism in order to build up a two-way communication model. This task force will design appropriate survey methods depending on the participants, such as LINE replies, hard copy questionnaires, online questionnaires, and holding review meetings with the partners in the field as references for subsequent adjustment of the activities in the future.
Rolling adjustment of the direction of the scheme will be pursued from time to time through the need of the field and the evaluation of the performance result and work in collaboration with the local partners for the common good. Seek an understanding of local needs and conduct a survey to find out the level of satisfaction and potential needs through a questionnaire survey in order to build up a two-way communication model. This will help to upgrade the collaboration between the task force and the partners in the field and develop solutions meeting local needs.