“”Will you come visit again?”” The little boy looked at the supervisor big brother and asked him.
There is a saying that the most valuable things in education are not textbooks and teaching but fulfilling the task of education in the daily lives of students. Environment education emerged as a topic in our daily lives that no one can afford to neglect. From the sampling of air and water pollutants from big factories to the recycling of wastes through classification, all are closely associated with everyone’s effort. In so doing, it will be a massive force.
The big brothers and big sisters from NCU Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering brought with them the environmental topic of marine debris. This event started with a video show in which the children were asked to count the quantity of waste made by the protagonist of the video in one week. The composition, ratio of ocean debris, the time required for decomposition, and the proper way of handling the debris were also briefly explained. It was followed by the drill in a simulation to show the difficulty of separating seawater from plastic waste. The children teamed up to a group of two. One is responsible for the work and another is responsible for observation from different directions. Most of the plastic waste was transparent. Some started to argue with the other because they could not take out the plastic pieces. Yet, all children can accomplish the mission through a division of labor. This program was unfolded in laughter.
The next was the exciting environmental protection snake game. The children were encouraged to answer simple questions about environmental protection through contests and review the methods for the pursuit of environmental protection in our daily lives and the logo for the classification of waste. The children underwent round after round of brainstorming through amusing games. Through this game, the big brothers and big sisters guided the children to make environmental protection a part of their daily lives and also review their daily habits with the children. Together, we could build up a bright future and for the sustainability of the earth.
“We will be back.” “Let us make a pledge!” I saw the smile of the boy on his face. We knew each other because of this environmental protection education program. We are also embracing the next event and meet the lovely children again. I think, it was not just the children, I myself have learned a lot too. I just found out that, together, every trivial move can end up with a great thing. I think, I will be more serious to bring my environmental protection cup with me, and make the best of my effort for my home, and this land!
Text by Tsai,Nien-Chen
Editing by Li,Ruo-Jia
Photo by Tsai,Nien-Chen