Year 2025

The Disappearing Domestic Bamboo (Part 1)
2023-02-20/by ncuceusr
Activity Record》Luo Foo Senior High School Taiya Weaving Culture Innovation and Promotion Winter Camp
In this event, we went to Luo Foo Senior High School in Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, to promote Taiya weaving ...
2023-02-08/by ncuceusrMinistry of Education USR eBook《Winter Brewing – The Harvest and Sustainability of University Social Responsibility》
2023-01-31/by agent29
Activity Record》Fuxing District Food Agriculture Education Camp
The food agriculture education camp for this time was hit by the severe cold front. It was really cold. Yet, we ...
2022-12-07/by agent29
Congratulations! “Resilience, Revival, and the Bamboo Gang” Wins Popular Photography Award
We are thrilled to announce that the "Sustainable 'Fuxing' –…
2022-11-23/by ncuceusr